Gain an Optimum Overview with CCTV

At sea, ships endure the harshest of conditions. Cold, heat, seawater, rain and salt push the ship and its crew to the limits. In situations like these, you want to be able to rely on the best vision systems to monitor hazardous areas — systems that are built to cope with the most demanding work and that increase safety, efficiency and comfort on board.

Monitoring Hazardous Areas
CCTV systems from Orlaco ensure that you can view all areas that you want to monitor. A captain, for example, will want to have a combined overview of the port and starboard sides of the vessel. For a container crane operator, it is essential to have a view of the load of the crane and the winches on board. By visualizing these areas, you have an optimum view of the risks — and if a hazardous situation arises, you can respond in a timely manner.

Our CCTV systems are exclusively custom built. With our Maritime Specials, we combine vision solutions with other on-board systems in existing networks.